Life of a Blogger: Bucket List (Freebie)


Hosted by Novel Heartbeat 

Since this week’s Life of a Blogger meme is a freebie, I decided to pick the topic “bucket list.” I have wanted to form a bucket list for a while now, so I figured what better way to start one then on my blog.

  1. Drive on the Autobahn
  2. Travel across Europe
  3. See the Northern Lights
  4. Drive cross country in the USA
  5. Visit a tropical island
  6. Attend/graduate college
  7. Learn a new language
  8. Write/publish a book
  9. Try something new! (Hobby, sport, etc.)
  10. Explore what Mother Nature has to offer
  11. Follow my dreams
  12. Impact the world somehow (no matter how big or small)

What are some goals on your bucket list? 


6 thoughts on “Life of a Blogger: Bucket List (Freebie)

  1. I don’t think I would be brave enough to drive on the Autobahn, but it does seem like a cool thing to do. Of course I would love to attend and graduate college, which is unfortunately constantly stressing me out now that I’m in highschool. I also really want to publish a book someday. I already wrote one, but I’m currently editing it, and it’s definitely not even close to being ready for publication. Great bucket list, Klaudia!

  2. Love this! Hope you achieve them all, they sound amazing 😀 we share number 3 and number 8 onwards, I’d also really love to visit Istanbul one day ❤

  3. What a fun idea! I’ve never set down to write a bucket list, although I make a summer bucket-like list each year. Your goals all sound amazing, and I have no doubt that you’ll accomplish them all! Attending and graduating college would make my list, but I hope to do 11 and 12 as well 🙂

    • Thank you! It’s definitely fun, I can’t wait to start crossing things off my list! I wish you the best of luck accomplishing your goals – I’m happy to hear we share some in common. 🙂

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